Aquest lloc web utilitza "cookies" pròpies i de tercers per oferir-te un millor servei, en navegar-hi n'acceptes l'ús. Més info x


Thin pork casings

For fresh, cured and smoked products. Catalan pork sausage (butifarra), cured sausage (fuet), spicy sausage (chorizo), blood sausage (morcilla), etc.

∅ Calibres 28 - 44

Thick pork casings

For cured and cooked products. Dry-cured pork sausage (longaniza), blood sausage (morcilla), cured pork, Majorca spicy cured pork sausage (sobrasada), etc.

∅ Calibres 40 - 130

Sliced pork casings

For cured products. Dry-cured pork sausage (longaniza), salami, etc.

∅ Calibres 40 - 140


Thin beef casings

For cured and cooked products.
Cured sausage (fuet), blood sausage (morcilla), salami, etc.

∅ Calibres 34 - 50

Thick beef casings

For cured and cooked products. Dry-cured beef sausage (longaniza), blood sausage (morcilla), etc

∅ Calibres 45 - 140


Lamb casings

For fresh, cured and smoke products. Thin sausage, thin spicy sausage (chistorra), Frankfurters, etc.

∅ Calibres 16 - 30

Quality is our top priority

Comercial Subproductos s particularly well-known for the quality and ready availability of its products and for its ability to comply with all the dimensional, shelf-life and hygiene parameters required by its customers.

We produce casings for use in fresh, cured, smoke and cooked products. We ensure the traceability of all the products that we sell.

Pork tripe

For fresh, cured and smoked products. Catalan pork sausage (butifarra), cured sausage (fuet), spicy sausage (chorizo), blood sausage (morcilla), etc.

Calibres de 28 - 44

Porc gruixuda

Producte curat i cuit. Llonganissa, botifarra de sang (morcilla), llom, sobrassada ...

Calibres de 28 fins a 44

Porc laminada

Producte curat. Llonganissa, salami ...

Calibres de 28 fins a 44

Boví fina

Producte curat i cuit. Fuet, morcilla, salami ...

Calibres de 28 fins a 44

Boví gruixuda

Producte curat i cuit. Llonganissa, morcilla ...

Calibres de 28 fins a 44


Producte fresc, curat i fumat. Salsitxa, xistorra, Frankfurt ...

Calibres de 28 fins a 44